Απεβίωσε την Κυριακή στις 8/1/2017 σε ηλικία 77 ετών στην Αμερική όπου ζούσε μόνιμα ο Σταύρος Στριλάκος.
Το krokees.gr εκφράζει τα συλλυπητήρια στους οικείους του.
Η κηδεία του θα γίνει την Κυριακή 15/1/2017 στις Κροκεές σύμφωνα με ενημέρωση που έχουμε από την οικογένειά του.
“Stavros Strilakos of Queens , New York fell asleep in the arms of the Lord on Sunday, January 8, 2017 at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan NYC at the age of 77. Born in Levetsova, Krokees Greece to Nicholas and Georgia Strilakos he lived his early life in Montreal and later life in New York City .
Stavros was a man of passion whom displayed that passion in his love for family, especially for his grandson. A business owner the majority of his life and graduate of the Culinary Arts . In his spare time he enjoyed classic cars, motorcycles, playing board games, traveling, boating and culinary programs .
Devoted husband to Angeliki Strilakos. A proud father of his son Nicholas Strilakos and daughter Georgina Strilakos-Boutsis along with son-in-law John Boutsis and his grandson Stavros Boutsis. He is also survived by his brother George Strilakos of Montreal Canada and his sister Pitsa Stamogiannos of Clearwater Florida along with nieces, nephews and friends.